Our Philosophy
For apparent reasons, in Australia, there is an overwhelming interest in social events which provide free (of cost) hand-outs or services to their attendees across several cultural and age demographics. To date, however, event technology platforms such as events giant Eventbrite do not exclusively advertise the event type mentioned and typically have a broader representation of event cost requirements.
It was from this thinking that our innovative online concept was born. We named it Freeee.
What is it? In a nutshell, Freeee is a fully web-based events platform which aims to link internet users to a combined directory for events that provide any number of free (of cost) offerings or ‘hand-outs’.
Our approach was as a condition for being registered on the platform; event hosts are required to provide any number of free offerings or hand-outs to their participants, either with conditions or without. An example of each type is as follows:
· Example for a conditional free offering: participants pay one admission to get a second person’s admission cost waived (i.e. free of charge) · Example for a non-conditional free offering: Entry to an event is without cost to the attendee
No doubt the CoVID-19 pandemic has deterred our customers from taking advantage of the physical fruits of Freeee, however, all was not lost. The attenuation of physical events meant a massive surge in online events. And as these events became more adaptive to the lockdown environment, so did team Freeee. By August 2020, almost all events advertised on the Freeee platform were online based. Populated across our seven categories and hosted by several small and large groups of people, the online events are here to stay well beyond the end of the lockdown.