Our Approach
Our journey to creating Freeee begun with the formulation of our vision which had a focus on what we wanted our offerings to be. We decided to focus on promoting free goods and services, as we the founders were surprised by the number of free offerings that were available but not well known.
As young adults, the budget always plays in the back of our minds and therefore the search for cheaper and indeed free services was always on the go. We also understood that we weren’t alone in this thirst for free services. And the primary offering we were seeking at the time was the ability to meet new people.
We first looked at university students, where meeting new people that you can connect with is quite easy due to the number of interactions you have during that time as well as through classes, events and extracurricular activities that one may be involved in. Moving onto the employed, the opportunities you have to meet new people are significantly less in frequency and size, and hence expanding your social circle becomes more challenging, And that is where the idea of events was born.
Melbourne has been one of the most liveable cities of the world for years. This has translated into an abundance of events taking place all around town. These events vary and can cater to a wide range of preferences. While these events are advertised through varying means, we wanted to specifically target those events that allowed people the chance to interact without a hidden cost.
We then put together a list of these events and mapped them on a calendar. The goal of our new platform was to seamlessly link people to free events and experiences. Then, to make it a complete Melbourne experience, we added other services that are free such as Parking spots, Bathrooms, Transport (Free Tram Zone), places with free birthday specials and much more.
We hope that everyone in Melbourne can experience Melbourne and its glory and what it has to offer.
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